Our Story


We are so happy to meet you! Our family of five lives in a rural Wisconsin town south of where our brick & mortar is in Ripon WI. We started our journey of owning a retail business in 2013, selling our wares at markets across Wisconsin and Illinois as a side hustle.  Our love for retail grew and while we worked our full time jobs, we continued to work our side hustle.  I would travel and sell on weekends, and Isaac would stay home with two kiddos (Ella and Liam)... As our business grew, our desire for a storefront did as well.  We opened our shop at 206 Watson Street in Ripon in 2019.  Our youngest kiddo, Octavia, came to live with us in 2020 and we adopted her in 2023.  We love the opportunity to curate amazing products for our customers and we love the connections we make both in person and online even more.  Our hope is that you feel special when you visit us either in store, on social media, or in our online shop.  We are grateful!